Tuesday, March 4, 2008

New Blog

Looks like I'm not the new blogger on the block anymore. Phoodie.info has just launched a Phili food blog and that's exciting. We don't have a great abundance of bloggers here in Philadelphia and I tend to read New York blogs more often. I am therefore thrilled that such a blog has been created. Below I will talk about some of my current favorite blogs.

Grub Street
New York Magazine food blog that is updated daily Monday through Friday. If you really want to know what's happening in the food world read this blog. I read this every day, even on Saturday when I will re-read what was posted on Friday. You will get links to the occasional restaurant review from the big critics, but mostly you hear about what's going on around town.

Chuck Eats
I don't know how he does it. This guy has been everywhere and has a plethora of restaurant reviews for your reading pleasure. This blog however is not for people trying to find a place for dinner tonight. First of all, he doesn't have Phili reviews, second, the places he does review tend to be far out of the price range for all but the most special occasions. Anyway, it's a great read.

Amateur Gourmet
Who doesn't like this guy. He's hilarious, witty and energetic. His personality makes his blog interesting and enjoyable. His popularity has rapidly increased since he started blogging and he has recently landed a job for an online show with the Food Network called the FN Dish. Check it out on his website.

Fahrenheit 825
Matthew Levin is the head chef at Lacroix at the Rittenhouse, and this is his blog. If you want to learn what goes on in the Lacroix Kitchen read this. It has some great pictures of their dishes also.

Opinionated About Dining
This blog is very similar to Chuck Eats in the sense that this guy has been everywhere. The blog is very informative, and has almost a formal feel to it. This guy seems like a real food critic and believe me, I don't want him eating at my restaurant. Reading his opinions on others however provides an intriguing and informative insight to the world of dining.

Michael Ruhlman
If you're not as interested in food as great writing, read this. Being a phenomenal writer himself, Ruhlman blogs about anything related to food, cooking, or chefs. Read his books also, I must've read The Soul of a Chef at least 5 times.

The French Laundry at Home
Have you ever seen the French Laundry Cookbook? If not, it's a huge elegant book, filled with 100% authentic recipes from the best restaurant in America. That means they are quite complicated. And so when I heard that an amateur home cook was attempting to complete each and every recipe in there, I doubled over. More than just the recipes is Carol's fun and witty commentary which is what really brings the recipes to life. Check it out!

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