Saturday, November 22, 2008

Thomas Keller at Free Library

Thomas Keller and Michael Ruhlman are coming on Monday to the Free Library in Philadelphia. Don't be a moron, get your tics!


  1. Ah I'm jealous! I'm a huge fan of both men and the past events that they've done I haven't been able to make.

    Although, I did get to meet TK when I trailed at per se, and that dude has an AURA.

    I would like to talk to atually talk to him and hear him speak though. I only got to shake his hand as he was making his way around the kitchen greeting everyone. After that, he was so busy taking care of a private party.

  2. That's awesome you staged at per se joseph. hopefully I'll get to meet them monday.

  3. Don't hold back Nick (though you don't sound shy to me) - march up and introduce yourself. You'll be amazed how easily most famous and successful people spot the difference between the genuine and the fake and how much time they will put into helping younger people to develop. I've had loads of help from great chefs.

  4. awesome! i'm jealous too. take notes and report back to us!
