Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Weblog Awards

Serious Eats and Cake Wrecks have a serious lead in the weblog awards, and that's to be expected, but who doesn't wanna see an upset? Go here and vote for me! and I will reward you, uh, somehow.

If you really like me you can even vote once every 24 hours :)


  1. I just want you to know that I have become an instant fan!! I discovered you through those award thingees... and I've given you a shout out on my own blog...


    You seriously rock!!

  2. I found you through that award thing too. I'm having fun reading your blog!
    I voted for you!

  3. Once again, I have found cool stuff through your blog. Cake Wrecks is getting a bit of my attention, but you are still getting my daily votes, from home and work. Your duck sous vide entry was pretty honest about your learning abilities. Much like seasoning, knowing how much of your soul to throw into the prose is a good indication of how far beyond your fifteen (now 16) years you are writing. Keep it up!

  4. Hey Nick! I found your blog through these awards which I found through Cake Wrecks. I got carried away reading since last night. Ended up staying up too late reading and went back to reading again this morning. (Yay for days off!) I didn't realize how much I had read until I found myself back at your first post. Awesome blog! I'll definitely be reading here in the future!

  5. I'm another one who found you after Cake Wrecks pushed the blog awards. You completely grabbed my attention and you've gotten my daily votes since then, too. I've been recommending your blog to others, as well. I hope this exposure brings you many good things

  6. Looks like Cakewrecks has increased your readership. Perhaps next time the awards roll around the votes will be more evenly split! I just found you today and have already read all of the posts and noted recipes I'd like to try. I fall somewhere between the Rachel Ray 30 minute meal cook on busy nights, but on weekends, I like to stretch my culinary muscles. I love your passion for food as well as your strong writing skills. Your English teacher should be proud.

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. Nick,

    Your my favorite juvey blogger but Cake Wretch's lead looks unbeatable.

    The weblogaward officials popped their heads out for a quick pic, it's on my blog. Looking at the pic explains the asinine results.

    Happy New Year


