Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Raspberry picking

And for the pickers...


  1. Definitely the best way to spend the day.

    I was picking wild strawberries in the garden this morning. Wild strawberry sushi.

  2. I love going fruit and veggie picking. I have picked citrus and strawberries, as well as assorted veggies. It is always so much fun, and they seem to taste better when you picked it yourself.

  3. I am insanely jealous.

  4. looks great,

    james, at my summer camp there are so many wild black and raspberries, but I've never brought them home, because we devour them right then and there

  5. The pastry has such a "homely" appearance. It is square, non-symmetrical, and looks uneven. I can't imagine a BETTER presentation for freshly picked berries. It is amazing how a plain presentation makes the food look so much sexier when you are aware of harvest/prep process. Photographing it with Alice Waters' book is amusing, but possibly lost on foodies with no humor.
    Great post, and excellent photos. My grandmother would be proud.
    David Lebovitz is only tooling around on the Mediterranean on a yacht while you are picking these beauties. Pass the stinky cheese!

  6. Great pictures! My favorite is the one showing the 4 ripe/unripe berries.

    Ah, summertime. . .

  7. Beautiful pictures! Looks like a great day!
