Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Peanut Butter- Nutella- Banana Tart

Late-Night Boredom has sparked many great ideas.


  1. How ironic!

  2. All you need is a glass of milk with this and I think you could run a marathon.

  3. All of my favorite foods rolled into one!! I want to go to there! (do you watch 30 Rock? Because that last statement is only funny if you do.)

  4. Elvis would have requested seconds. The Nutella flourish to the classic PB and banana combination would have pleased Michael Jackson's ex-father-in-law. I really like the appearance of all your tarts. The berry tart was rustic, this one really looks like something grandma made. No flash on the presentation, but long on quality and taste!

  5. that looks positively palatable. definitely merits a clutch of duck eggs!

  6. Are you trying to kill me? I'm on a diet!! Those look and sound awesome.

  7. wow, looks delicious! reminds me of the st germain crepe stand in paris, where nutella and banana crepes are served for a mere 3 euros of heaven until late night, or very early morning. can't wait to try my hand at this!
