Monday, November 30, 2009

What do you think?

Posts like the last one aren't particularly fun to write, and I can't imagine they are to read either. What do you like about this blog? What don't you like? What should I do more of? What should I do less of or not do at all? What's your favorite post?

If you could e-mail me or leave a comment giving suggestions, I would be grateful :)


  1. I might be a bit different from most of your readers, seeing as I'm over 50 and no longer in the food biz. I read your blog because I enjoy the enthusiasm you have for food in general.I like it when you find something new to enjoy. If I have any issues it's that I think you should give more tips/techniques. Hate it when you show a great photo and don't give any indication of how you prepared it. otherwise, I enjoy checking in to see what's hit your hot spot this week...

  2. i like your originality and ability to cook good food... clearer and better photo could be a plus but it would probably eats up on the fun of cooking...

  3. What are you talking about? They are great to read. Too bad you don't enjoy writing posts like that because I want more of them. You must have blog burnout.

  4. I like the posts about other kids lunches. They make me remember my high school, where I was the weird one for drinking bottled water.

  5. just keep doing what you're doing! i like your blog just the way it is ^^

  6. i loved the last post...given i live in the uk i always find other people's traditions super interesting! and the sweet potato salad looks divine...

  7. I read a few cooking blogs for recipes, but yours I just read for fun and the general atmosphere. It's great to see a 15 year old guy so into cooking, and it makes me wonder what life is like through your eyes. I like your daily life posts a lot. I thought memorable posts were your pictures of lunchtime at school and the posts you made about that auction dinner. I loved getting a glimpse of your family in that last post, too. Not to say your food musings aren't great :)

    Keep on doing what you're doing!

  8. I love your posts! The only thing I'd add is a bit more about preparation. If the recipe you used came from another website, you often repost the recipe that you used (i.e. "Pumpkin Whoopie Pies"). When you make something on your own, though, you tend to drift towards taking a lot of pictures and generally describing your cooking process. It's really interesting to read, but it'd be great to have a better idea of the proportions and such should someone wish to try it on their own--not necessarily an exact recipe, but something to make it easier for n00bs to try on their own!

    I'm a fan of your blog, though, and I love what you're doing!

  9. I love your blog Nick! I like how you incorporate different aspects of your life into your posts. You talk about school, family, work, aspirations, likes and dislikes, cooking successes and failures; you have it all!

  10. I love your blog. I like the photos and descriptions of food you made. I like descriptions of the process and I would love to see more recipes. Like, that delicious sweet potatoe thing you made with the yummy aioli. recipe? - allison

  11. OK your blog! Even love your thanksgiving post, would have liked to have heard more about the other dishes too. I really enjoyed the school lunch post...please do another and also really like your restaurant reviews - there's really nothing I don't like about any of your posts. You're a great writer and I'm guessing already a gifted cook.

    Although I understand you are likely short on time, I would just like more posts! happy holidays!

    a big fan - kath the cook

  12. Nick,
    Just do what you've been doing. Love the lunch ones too. And I liked the Thanksgiving post but wish you had included the recipe for both salads.


  13. I can relate. I seem to write about food a lot, although my site is not supposed to be a "food blog" in my mind, anyway. It often turns out that way.

    But my gut feeling is that Thanksgiving is somehow written to death. I personally didn't have much to say about it, although I ended up being the cook for the full-course dinner last Thursday.

    I personally like to read about crazy food discoveries. When you discover something new is when your writing is most fun and educational.

    My advice is twofold: keep discovering new things, and learn the food chemistry. A Famous Food Writer the other day seemed to be confused about acids and bases. Inexcusable! Alton Brown would be enraged. So keep up on the tech.

    And it's always allowed to be contrarian. A piece about something non-Thanksgiving-y would have been fresh.

  14. I have kids your age, and we all love to cook, and enjoy your blog very much. I also have students your age who have started reading you--keep up the good work! I loved your school lunch post and am interested in any conflicts you have being a foodie in a non-foodie world, and also in being a young foodie in a world of middle-aged foodies.

    I agree with your first commenter, though--for an older reader it's refreshing to read food writing written by a young, un-jaded cook who hasn't been putting family dinner on the table for 20 years. It makes me remember how I felt when I first discovered cooking and also challenges me to not become complacent.

    Love your blog! Keep it up!

  15. Love your blog, Nick.

    It's interesting to read what you're currently cooking, what you make to take for lunch (and esp. the post comparing your lunch to your friends' lunches), what you make for your family, etc.

    You might include a post or two about cookbooks you're using/reading, eg., how they inspire you or not.

    When we met you at the Ideas in Food dinner, we had an interesting conversation about your philosophy of eating - eg., sustainable foods, seasonal foods, local foods, etc. I'd like to read more about what you're thinking in those areas.

    Of course, your blog is great as is, as many others have said.

    Keep up the good work.

  16. i love the lunchtime poll posts too. i also really like when you talk about the regular yet exceptional things you make, like how to make the best pancakes or best cookies, or anything with duck eggs.

  17. DON'T alter your posts to suit the needs of your readers. The readers are reading because they are interested in what YOU do. so do what you want!

  18. Love the variety of your posts. Love to see pictures. Love hearing of new things you try. I am 34 and do not enjoy cooking. I never experiment and make like 3 dishes. We eat out a lot. I like reading about your passion, your new cooking toys, your interactions with other high school students, etc. Keep it up!
