Tuesday, September 7, 2010

College Essay

It's that time of year again. I have a four day weekend (Rosh Hoshana) starting Thursday, and I'm really trying to get my college essay done.

If anyone has any ideas for a good essay topic, I'd love you forever if you e-mailed me left it in the comments :) I'll contact you (if you leave your e-mail) if I decide to use your idea.



  1. I wrote mine about baking chocolate chip cookies (as a framework for expressing all of my wonderful qualities) so writing about food seems as good as anything to me!

  2. Is the food in today's Paris better than the food of the vaunted prewar Paris?

  3. Your unique life experiences are fantastic fodder for any college essay...

  4. I used to work in an admissions office.

    I would suggest writing your college essay on anything that you're passionate about. Food, cooking, hopefully owning a business one day.

    Talk about how a day went totally wrong and yet totally right.

    Talk about the learning process--how you go from can't cook to chef.

    This is the college's one chance to learn who you are--not your grades, not your test scores, but you.

    Feel free to contact me privately for more questions.

  5. my english teacher handed out a page full of suggested topics for college essays today... if i can find it online i'll email you the link. good luck with your essay :)

  6. a different Amy from aboveSeptember 9, 2010 at 3:27 AM

    you are a great writer so I'm sure you'll have no problems. I think what makes you unique is that you found your passion (relatively) early in life and have found so many routes to realize your potential. (your jobs, your blog, your relative fame as a blogger). If you can craft an interesting spin (such as "my recipe for my future"). This could even be written from your FUTURE perspective, like a forward for a cookbook you might write in say 2020, describing the path to this accomplishment. does that make sense? write as if you are writing in 2020, how you started early, graduated the college you are applying to in 2015, etc...

  7. The role of restaurant critic in a restaurant's rise or fall. Leech or neccessary evil? And who's got the balance of power? Some chefs like to throw them out when they've given a a bad review in the past - is that all part of the game? Do you pander to them like royalty or treat them like everyone else - if the former is that why they do their job in the first place? Could be interesting.

  8. Don't write something from a list or what someone else suggests. Write what you're passionate about. Write about an experience in the kitchen. Write about failed cooking attempts and what you've learned. Anything. The more unique the better, I think.

  9. The cold war was neither cold, nor a war. Discuss.

  10. shaina: I have a few that I'm thinking about using and one of them is chocolate chip cookies actually.

    tags: if i had any idea, i would write about that.

    journeywoman: much thanks I'm gonna email you shortly.

    and much thanks to everyone else
