Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Help me out?

In the running for this scholarship! Please help me win by voting! Takes two seconds and I will be forever indebted to all who vote! Thanks!!!


  1. You have my vote. I've been reading your blog for 3 years now and am very impressed by your passion and ambition (and writing skills). I bought a Sous Vide machine because of what you wrote about it on your blog. Back in the 1970's I waited tables in an upscale Indian restaurant (in Georgetown, DC) to pay my expenses while I got my MBA. I earned a good set of business skills and became a foodie at the same time! After spending 30 years in NYC I now live on a farm in Vermont but still travel internationally for work and eat my way around the world. I wish you a rich and rewarding college experience and look forward to eating at your restaurant some day. All the best to you, Nick! I hope you win the scholarship.

  2. Voted for you - good luck!

  3. I love your blog and your passion, so I'm happy to vote. I'm also the mother of a soon-to-be college freshman...so I know how much this would help! Good luck and I hope you win!

  4. Voted for you... good luck!

  5. let us know how it goes!

  6. Done! I too have been reading your blog for several years

  7. you guys are the best for real

  8. I hope you get it! Do let us know.
