Monday, May 23, 2011

I Won That Scholarship!

I found out a few days ago that I won that scholarship that I asked you guys to vote for!

Much thanks to all who voted. $1,000 down 49,000 to go!


  1. Congratulations! I'm sure you must be over the moon! Any special plans for how you'll be making the most of it?

    -That Middle Eastern Chick.

  2. Congratulations!! You completely deserved it.

  3. awesomeness!!

    Well done, Nick! :D

  4. CONGRATS! The blog helped out on that one. You could raise more funds for college with this blog dude. a few more ads wouldn't mess it up. it'd be great if you would update it more often though. just sayin.

  5. awesomeness!
    come to my blog.
    hope u will visit it.
    i will visit your blog back!

  6. Howdy, Nick. I just found your blog listed as one of the "30 Under 30 Food Bloggers." Congrats on the Scholarship and the fantastic blog!

    I was intrigued by your name - I'm a Normile, too! As I'm sure you know, this is quite a rare name. I'm a graduate student at Penn State and travel to Philly frequently, so I'll be sure to check your blog for restaurant tips!

    Best of luck.


  7. Hey Nick. A double congrats to you on this amazing blog and the scholarship! Sounds like your well on your way to stardom!:)
