I picked up the book in Borders early in the summer and was immediately roped in. I would go to Borders whenever I was bored, sit in the in-store cafe and read. I loved it and the fact that Julie Powell had started with a food blog only added to the appeal. I folded down just the very tip of the page I was on, and stashed the book away from its display in a remote corner shelf where I could find it, untouched every time.
Unfortunately, summer reading and summer work got in the way and I haven't picked up the book in a while. I have been very much looking forward to seeing the movie however, especially after reading countless reviews of "Streep's masterful portrayal of Child," from such critics as Time Magazine and well, my mom. I rarely go out to see movies. Very few appeal to me. I'm not into the action stuff (hated Transformers 2), and I absolutely cannot watch horror movies. Julie and Julia however, seems to be just my thing ;) My only problem is that I'm having trouble finding a friend who feels the same to come see it with me.

Now my mom probably saw this as just another time that I helped her out in the kitchen. I, on the other hand, saw the situation slightly more metaphorically. My helping her was not unlike Julia helping Julie. My mom was Julie Powell, I was Julia Child. Julie, unhappy and lacking direction in life, sought guidance from Julia and with Julia's help, went from lack of direction to a life of happiness and vigor- basically what I've done for my mom- making me the equivalent of Julia Child.
Am I being serious about all this? Course not. What is serious however, is my desire to see Julie and Julia...
hi she is very good for everyone i like it
It was a great movie. The husbands made it for me - perfectly cast.
Also, of course: the incredible food and styling - Spungen did an incredible job with it.
Just came across your blog and had to write. Seems we have some things in common: I'm anxious to see Julie & Julia (and Streep's performance), too. AND I also saw Transformers2 - and didn't like that at all either. (We must be the only 2 in America to speak out about the film.)
But that's where similarities end. I'm a "pushing-50" African American woman, and NOT AT ALL a cook.
But I do live in Pennsylvania.
Keep writing! And check out my blogs sometimes if you can find the time.
OMG! I want to see this movie so bad and all my friends have made fun of me for wanting to. If we lived in the same state we should so go see it together!
You are so funny and a great writer. When does YOUR book come out? Congratulations on BEST of PHILLY!
No offense, but is there any reason you couldn't have bought the book from borders? Or even checked it out from the library? Folding down pages and putting the book where no one could find it seems like a couple steps away from stealing it.
Funny! You crack me up with this one. Keep up the good work.
i cant wait to see julie and julia but like you none of my friends want to go see it! i have been meaning to pick up the books but havent gotten over to a bookstore
Haha. My friends wouldn't see it with me, either, so I saw it alone. I was probably the only teenager in a packed theater, but it was so worth it. But, there was a little too much Julie and not enough Julia, I think.
Your boef bourguignon looks delicious. :]
Dude, you get a couple awards and go all metaphysical and philosophical on us.
Keep up the good work.
Parents. Pah - they have so much to learn!
Congrats on the blog feature and your Best of Philly! I saw the movie last Friday and loved it, although I really would have loved more of Julia. Having read My Life in France made the movie funnier for me. :)
Like you, I had a hard time finding someone to watch it with me! My friends are hardly foodies. A pregnant, hungry friend volunteered to see it with me. Yay.
I love your ninja-stealth reading technique.
JUST GO SEE THE MOVIE!!! don't wait for someone to go with you. It is a great movie-I enjoyed it so very much :) enjoy your post :)
Keep on writing.
Check out this review.
First of all, i love your blog... I've been reading it for a while but I never posted. Secondly, I want to see Julie and Julia too... and I'm a teen. I'm pretty sure none of my friends would see it with me but I live in Philly and would be happy to see it with you.
My guess is you could get any girl your age to go with you ;)
Great job with all the publicity as well! :)
Loved the movie and thought of your blog when I watched it. Wondered when your movie, book, or TV show would be starting. You are an amazing young man. I'm so glad you share your talent with the world.
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