Behold you mere mortals, chocolate brioche, what I've confidently declared the king of bread, the big bambino, the sultan of succulence. Simply regular brioche with a layer of chocolate chips down the middle. Try some yourself, and you'll see why I'm giving it all these weird Babe Ruth based nicknames.
I'm just a 15 year old high school student in the Philadelphia suburbs with a love for food. I have an apprenticeship at Lacroix at the Rittenhouse, and will be writing about my experiences there, as well as anything else that strikes my palate.
Wednesday, August 27, 2008
Chocolate Brioche
Whole Foods Salad Bar

That disgusting looking pile of tofu, chicken, egg salad, bleu cheese, roasted red peppers, quinoa and lo mein was actually quite tasty. Though this is probably what the NYSun means about the salad bar not being healthy in excess, it never hurts to take one for the team, or in this case, the blog.
Thursday, August 21, 2008
Michael Phelps Breakfast
Monday, August 11, 2008
Late Night Eats

Miracle Berry Update
Sunday, August 10, 2008
Once I had decided that I would be making bread, I was faced with the toughest question of them all; What type to bake! Images filled my head. To ease my decision I freestyled.
Ciabatta, Focaccia or Jewish Rye,
Which type of bread will I try?
Baguette, whole wheat or brioche,
Which type of bread do I love the most?
No Snoop Dogg, I do not want to be a part of your record label, thanks anyway. To make my decision, I resorted to my inner foodie spirituality. When there are tough decisions like this to be made, I do not ask WWJD, I ask WWKD (what would Keller do, Keller being Thomas Keller). Seeing as his only bread recipe in the French Laundry Cookbook is for brioche, brioche it would be.
Brioche is a rich buttery french bread, which is usually my bread of choice in restaurants. I had made it once before from the same cookbook with terrific results.
I mixed some yeast, flour, sugar, salt and eggs with my kitchenaid before slowly adding a very large amount of butter. It's okay though. As one famous, old, probably portly French chef said, "butter, butter, give me more butter!"

And Voila!

Wow! Baking bread at home is so easy, yet it produces fantastic results. I would even bake this just for the smell filling my house, not to say this bread didn't taste good though. This bread was really delicious. Light yet, rich and buttery at the same time. This is the ultimate grilled cheese bread.
I immediately froze one loaf, and dug into the other just as quickly, helplessly devouring half a loaf before my family could get in on the action.
Why buy Febreeze when you can bake bread instead?
Oh yea, and if you want a more detailed post about the same brioche, check out this link at French Laundry at Home.
Monday, August 4, 2008
Katz Deli; Heavenly Corned Beef

(There I am, cleanly shaven, sampling a piece)
I gazed longingly at others who were there for the same reason. Finally my turn arrived, and I rapidly took my sandwich, piled high with blood red, marbled meat, back to my table, anxious to taste. First bite, yummmmmmmm. The beef was incredible delicious and flavorful, and unlike many a corned beef, it melted in my mouth. The flavors from the pickling spice were there, yet they complimented, rather than dominated the meat. A thin layer of mustard only added to the greatness that is the Katz Corned beef sandwich. My corned beef is tough and pails in comparison to this. I started of eating it slowly, savoring every bite, but I soon gave into temptation and devoured my sandwich shamelessly.
Friday, August 1, 2008
It's stories, writings, blog posts, etc. like that that make me crave the Lacroix kitchen. Last week I was in New York, at Daniel, and was unable to go. I hoped to make it in on Monday instead, yet those plans did not work out, and I am stuck waiting for Saturday to come again.
My weekdays are filled with limp lettuce salads, pasta at both extremes of doneness, and gummy cheesecake brownies from the local diner. Lacroix is an escape from the commonplace cuisine of Corner Bakery, and an entrance into opulence. Tuna Carpaccio is adorned "simply" with olive oil, fleur de sel, chinese barbecue powder, tangerine segments, fingerling potato chips, and chive blossoms, while tender halibut is smothered with a blood red romesco sauce. Pasta with Marinara is unheard of. I often dreamily gaze at the plates going out, thinking of how I might recreate or re-interpret a Lacroix favorite. I snap back to reality as there is a call for an Amuse Bouche, and suddenly a line of aged balsalmic is on the plate, followed by quenelle-shaped tuna tartar and micro basil to garnish.
More important than the food is the atmosphere. I am surrounded by experienced professionals who share the mindset of improving through hard work and dedication. Though occasionally intimidating, working along side these people is more inspirational than daunting. I have learnt more interacting with the workers, than I ever will watching food go out.
I may be fifteen, but I know what I want to do.
Goodnight now, it's 3:00 in the morning and my eyes are closing themselves.