Thursday, February 25, 2010

Girl Scout Cookies

Girl Scout Cookies in descending order of greatness


cd0103 said...

I so disgree. Samoas/Carmel delite are always #1, but I like "Thanks a lot" and the lemon cookies 2nd and third.
too tired to rank the rest.

Unknown said...

Freeze that box of thin mints and move it two spaces to the left!

If you look at the recommended serving sizes, the volume of joy to be had from them is like three times as many than with the chocolate peanut butter cookies too! Even more of a reason...

Daniel King said...

I object to the thin mints being in the middle when, clearly, they are superior :)

Anonymous said...

I'd say you're spot on, except switch the peanut butter with the thin mints! :D

Anonymous said...

Wow, Michael was right! Freeze the thin mints move them two spaces to the left, and you have an accurate evaluation of the line. Good thing they didn't offer mango-sous-vide-confit as a flavor or we would be arguing some more!

Unknown said...

I almost agree, just move the samoas down two spots... i'm just not a coconut shavings person

Anonymous said...

what fun! who cares! I HATE thin mints. so there!

Unknown said...

Samoa wasn't PC enough, so they're now Caramel Delites... wtf

Love them though!

Ashley said...

Switch the tagalongs and the do-si-dos and you have yourself a deal.