Monday, November 1, 2010

Pumpkin Doughnuts

Yea these were pretty bad. They had nothing more than a tiny hint of pumpkin flavor that is only noticeable every four or five bites. They smelled nothing like pumpkin either. The only thing reminiscent of pumpkin was the bright orange interior. Overall, they just tasted like plain doughnuts--a big letdown when you've purchased the doughnuts for the pumpkin flavor.

On the brighter side, I did just discover a particularly pleasant pumpkin product from Trader Joe's. Their pumpkin ice cream is really delicious. It's relatively soft even when completely frozen and has great mouthfeel and, I'm proud to proclaim, powerful pumpkin flavor. I'm slowly but surely getting my pumpkin fix.


  1. no way dude! I really dug those pumpkin donuts. maybe you just got a bad batch?

  2. if you like pumpkin and you like blondies, I think you will very much like this, I DOUBLE the pumpkin pie spice amount...

  3. quid quid,
    yea that's possible, but the idea that dunkin donuts doesn't make flavorful pumpkin donuts is a concept that doesn't surprise me.

    thanks for the recipe! My mom wants to make them.

  4. take a ride over the bridge to s.jersey - heritage winery's homemade pumpkin and apple cider doughnuts are amazing :) for the ice cream, i like this recipe i use from the now defunct s.jersey "garden plate" mag. tastes just like pumpkin pie... possibly better... possibly
