I'm actually pretty surprised that cake batter wasn't the first ice cream I tried to make, but nonetheless, it's in my freezer here now, and that's all that matters.

P.S. I didn't really do any research on how to make cake batter ice cream before I did this, so I actually just halved a vanilla cake recipe, using pasteurized eggs, and added a very healthy amount to basic vanilla ice cream. Most recipes that I later found online just required adding cake mix, which is obviously easier, but very artificial.
cake batter. Cookingat10 is becoming Cookingat11 soon. I can see an ice cream machine being wrapped by my parents in the near future, if you know what im saying
Oh yeah cake batter ice cream YUM. My sister in law and I were talking not even an hour ago about how good it is.
I'll have to try this for sure.
If I wanted to make it chocolate how much should I use and what kind?
I thought you might find this article interesting. For the record, I'm not trying to imply anything; just passing it on as I thought you might like to read it.
cake batter in icecream? that sounds amazing!
How do you know when to stop your ice cream maker? This is driving me crazy - I always overchurn it and it loses its smooth texture, or I underchurn it and it freezes into a block of ice...
To quote Regina Schrambling from the article: "But this is not just me yelling at kids to get off my lawn"... No...It is Regina stealing the ball that came over her fence once too often, and putting out a dish of antifreeze for their pets to consume.
I read a lot of food blogs, and the ones that espouse AUTHORITY versus "amazed opinion" give me a case of the trots. I prefer to read anyone's writing about food that has not lost their sense of wonder when they discover and share their experiences with new tastes, textures, and techniques.
When writers sound world weary and jaded...well, hell, I can do CYNICAL without anyone's help. Age is not really a factor, insight is. I will read the comments of "cookingat10" or our host, Nick, any day over the convenience store mass market musings of Sandra Lee.
By pasteurized eggs, I hope you mean shell eggs and not that liquid junk.
Craig, one question: who's worse Regina Schrambling or Sandra Lee
cake batter ice cream? what is that, meaning the flour is not cooked?
Cookingat10, Regina Schrambling is worse in this situation. She has lost the sense of wonder that inspires one to reach further. Sandra is always reaching further, generally in the wrong direction.
I have a challenge for you... I know this kinda goes against your norm... but you understand the baking process so well and I dont' know what substitutes for what.
So... 2 healthy ideas...
a very healthy and very yummy banana bread
a post on how to substitute healthy ingredients into baking and not mess up the final product.
Thanks so much!! I think your website is awesome and I wish I was as smart as you about food!!
ps- I used to work at Coldstone, and when we made cakebatter ice cream, we literally just put powdered cake mix into the ice cream. the end.
Too bad this jazz won't hold up in the mail... YUM!!!
Yum. Cake batter ice cream is my favorite of Coldestones flavors. Great job in making some from scratch
Ooooh...cake batter ice cream makes my heart flutter! My mix-ins are cake pieces, strawberries in syrup, and whipped cream- the whole shortcake thing.
Love, love, love reading your blog! I wanted to give you the Kreativ Blogger award- come by my site to pick it up!
Once me and my colleague had a chance to have Swiss premium ice creams, two scoops of Movenpick ice creams of our choice. They were simply soothing. This is something one can’t afford to miss. You scream, I scream for Ice Cream!!
YOU've been to Maggie Moo's???
Don't you live in Philadelphia?
What a brilliant yet simple idea! I'd love to try it too; what was you ratio of cake batter to custard (approximately)?
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