To me the idea of bacon and chocolate sounds delicious. When I think of the combination, I picture crispy, salty, fatty, bacon in melted, sweet chocolate. It seems like the ultimate overindulgence, and, well, really frikin good.
This bar, which I recently noticed in whole foods however, did not meet my fantasy. It was fine and all, but there wasn't enough bacon flavor. It tasted smoky forsure, but it didn't really taste like bacon. Smoke, salt, and chocolate is a good combo and the bar was fine, but I was really pining for some profound bacon flavor. I guess Ill have to make my own...
I agree completely. Vosges definitely has better chocolate bars. I recommend Red Fire or Goji Berry. Or even the Green Tea.
For your chocolate bacon fix, I recommend Roni Sue's bacon candy, available at Essex Street Market on the Lower East Side of Manhattan. It's supremely delicious. Always buy a few pieces whenever I'm in the neighborhood.
ive seen these at dibrunos, but have seen it at WF, nor have i tried it. if you want good chocolate pick up a bar of amano, or amedei, or vahlrona
So the bad news: Santa Cruz, California.
The good news: Marini's At the Beach Chocolate Covered Bacon.
It sounds great tasting, but I can imagine getting the ratio of bacon to chocolate right would be very difficult, especially since every slice of bacon typically comes out differently.
I had a chocolate bacon bar, but it was not good! I think it was using imitation bacon bits. This one looks a lot better.
Never thought about the chocolate bacon combo before. Maybe I should run out to the kitchen and try a batch of bacon enrobed in dark chocolate.
Have you ever tried Askinosie Chocolate? It is outstanding!
Also, have you ever tried bacon tempura? (Bacon, breaded and deep fried?) Just curious. Great Blog bytheway. Keep it up!
I also dislike this bar. It doesn't taste like good bacon, but more like bacon bits. Pretty gross, in my opinion.
I've taken to dipping pieces of crispy bacon in melted chocolate. I prefer a semi sweet, around 60% cocoa. This way, the chocolate is not too sweet nor too bitter. You could probably go with a lower cocoa percentage, but I wouldn't want to go too much higher.
Plus, these have great texture, and are more equal parts sweet and salty.
I'm glad someone else understands my love of bacon and chocolate. Usually if I voice my cravings I only get weird looks and unplanned pregnancy jokes in return.
Sounds vile!
I'm glad you reviewed this bar. I've been on the fence about trying it. Their truffles are outstanding. I think I will pass on this one and try some of their other candy bars. Have you had their salted caramels? Soooo good.
Here's a recipe for you -- candied bacon.
Glad to see you tried this- saved me the disappointment. Thought you might be interested in this site though: http://www.gratefulpalate.com/
two words: bacon brittle!
I have tried this bar too and thought that the bacon just added a slightly salty taste. One of my friends loved it though!
The question is are you going to be brave enough to grill a slice a bacon and dip it in a chocolate fountain? :-D
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